Mission-ready Solutions for Strategic Maritime Superiority
Maritime security and defense are vital to defending maritime borders, protecting national interests, and enabling regional security at sea. Saildrone is transforming maritime defense capabilities by delivering persistent data streams and actionable intelligence through integrated maritime autonomy.
Leverage Saildrone’s autonomous technology to handle resource-intensive ISR, reducing risk and freeing crewed assets for critical missions.

Saildrones are outfitted with sensors tailored for maritime security, enabling autonomous detection, tracking, and classification of contacts to counter illegal activity at sea, safeguard territorial waters, and protect critical infrastructure.
With advanced sensors optimized for undersea monitoring, Saildrone USVs autonomously detect activity from the surface to the ocean floor to enhance maritime security at a fraction of the cost of manned platforms, operating effectively in the most demanding maritime environments
Proven Operations in the Harshest Environments
96% Cost Reduction Without Compromise
Achieve the same surface coverage as conventional maritime assets at just 4% of the cost.
Smarter Data in Real Time
Advanced machine learning algorithms filter out noise to identify genuine threats. AI-powered analytics transform vast multi-sensor data into actionable intelligence, enabling automatic detection and tracking of contacts of interest.
Low Acoustic Signature
Saildrone USVs produce minimal acoustic signatures and vibrations, resulting in near-silent operations that enhance the data quality of defense-specific payloads.
Your Mission, Your Payload
Complete payload flexibility means you define the mission. Saildrone platforms integrate seamlessly with any payload required.
Specialized Payloads for Defense, Border Patrol, and Critical Infrastructure Security
Saildrone’s autonomous vehicles are equipped with versatile sensors that operate above and below the surface, delivering real-time, persistent maritime domain awareness to observe, detect, and deter maritime threats.
Augment Assets and Increase Mission Efficacy
Out-sense, out-decide, and out-fight any adversary leveraging Saildrone’s fully managed mission service to accelerate decision cycles with accurate, real-time data and AI.
Accomplish your mission more efficiently by integrating Saildrone’s advanced technology into the hybrid fleet.
Mission Deployment
Saildrone Mission Management works with operators and decision-makers to efficiently and strategically determine deployment zones and pinpoint optimal routes to meet the needs of dynamic mission sets.
Mission Execution
Saildrone USVs remain on mission for months at a time with zero manning burden. Data is accessed 24/7/365 via secure API, which seamlessly integrates into common operating pictures (COP) and analytical platforms.
Data Delivery
Edge-processed data is delivered throughout the mission in real time, allowing for enhanced decision-making and responsiveness.
Post Mission
On mission completion, Saildrone Mission Management oversees all the logistics and operations of fleet recovery.
The Saildrone USV is an engineering marvel and the company that Richard Jenkins has built around it is transforming how we think about accessing our world’s oceans. Saildrones are a paradigm shift in autonomous maritime capability.
James F. Guerts
Former Asst. Secretary of the Navy
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Solutions for Enhanced Decision-making and Rapid Response
Discover how Saildrone safeguards national interests, providing persistent over-the-horizon awareness and near-real time surveillance to deter conflict and win decisively when the time comes.