Spacial Coverage
13.91 to 45.7
13.91 to 45.7
This data was collected in the eastern Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Cabo Verde and the Canary Islands and in the Mediterranean Sea during the first Saildrone Atlantic to Mediterranean (ATL2MED) mission between October 18, 2019, and July 17, 2020.
In addition to the standard Saildrone metocean sensor suite, one Saildrone Explorer uncrewed surface vehicle (USV), SD-1030, was equipped with a pCO2 sensor suite (ASVCO2, developed by NOAA PMEL) and 300 kHz ADCP. The other vehicle, SD-1053, was equipped with a scientific echo sounder (SIMRAD EK80 WBT mini).
The scientific objectives during the ATL2MED mission include an eddy survey near Cabo Verde led by GEOMAR and a cross-calibration of CO2 measurements at nine fixed ocean stations by ICOS: CVOO (Cabo Verde), ESTOC (Gran Canaria), LION (France), ANTARES (France), DYFAMED (France), W1M3A (Italy), E2M3A (Italy), PALOMA (Italy), and Miramare (Italy).
Mission highlights include the first autonomous passage of the Strait of Gibraltar, monitoring oceanographic conditions near a tagged sea turtle navigating near the strong anticyclonic eddy south of Ibiza, a saildrone-glider comparison study along the Nice-Calvi Line, and a volcanic impact survey around the Aeolian Islands.
This data set contains Saildrone platform telemetry and near-surface observational data at 1-minute resolution in NetCDF format.
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“Open data” means this data set has been sponsored for use in any research or educational purposes. 023 © Saildrone, Inc. All Rights Reserved. These Data and any resultant Product are the property of Saildrone. At Saildrone’s sole discretion, these Data may be used for research or educational activities only. You may not use, share, or sell the Data for any other purpose, including for commercial purposes, or alternatively, have any unauthorized third-party use or sell the Data, either for any research, educational, and/or commercial purpose(s), without the express prior consent of Saildrone.